I Help People Keep EmotionsFrom Taking Over
I have spent 25 years teaching valuable techniques to manage difficult emotions. As a licensed therapist, teacher and CEU facilitator, I have worked with thousands of clients and clinicians to wrestle emotional dysregulation to the ground. Strong emotions are NO LONGER the enemy; I am here to assist you in your journey towards helping yourself or others overcome emotional dysregulation. If you are ready to learn, apply or teach the frameworks that can improve mental health, I can coach you on strategies to develop mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotional regulation and interpersonal effectiveness.
Licensed Therapist
for 25 Years
Logged Hours
in Therapy Room
Therapists Trained
Get from Here to There With the Right Strategy
Clinician Training
Benefit from an experienced consultant who can look over your programs and teach you valuable principles for emotional regulation management.
CEU Courses
If you would like Suzette to provide CEU training to your organization, please contact us.
DBT Professional Speaker
Sharing what I’ve learned in over 25 years of practicing mental health and emotional regulation.
Individual Therapy
You can learn to overcome strong emotions with the right toolkit. There is always room to better understand your emotions and take control of these in your daily life.
Borderline Personality Disorder Workbook DBT Strategies and Exercises to Manage Symptoms and Improve Well-Being
This Borderline personality disorder workbook offers simple exercises based in dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), a proven method for BPD treatment. With the expert guidance inside, you’ll find practical ways to regulate your body and mind, improve your sense of self, and create positive change in your life.
Your Emotions and You
Manage your emotions instead of letting them manage you.
Emotions are a part of every thought and action we take, but when we neglect them it’s hard to live a full and connected life. This supportive workbook provides advice, exercises, and tools that will help you understand and manage your feelings as you learn to practice compassion for yourself and others.
DBT Explained An Introduction to Essential Dialectical Behavior Therapy Concepts, Practices, and Skills
DBT can help you regulate your emotions and build a life that aligns with your values and goals. This book offers an accessible introduction to the core concepts and practices of DBT, breaking it down into smaller, easier-to-grasp components that make it more manageable to learn and incorporate into your life.
I Help People Keep Emotions from Taking Over
Build Distress Tolerance for Difficult Times
Get a Grip on Emotional Dysregulation
Continuing Education Courses for Clinicians
Overcome Strong Emotions Within Yourself or Others
Become a Master in Emotional Regulation
Prioritize Mental Health
On-Demand Learning for Clients and Clinicians
Get Informed, Use the Principals, Overcome Difficult Emotions
Empower Your Practice With an Experienced Consultant
Contact Us Get In Touch
I know you have more questions, and I’m here to answer them. Let’s talk so you can start enjoying the success, freedom, and flexibility that comes from facing those tough choices and difficult conversations.