CEU Courses, California

HomeCEU Courses, California

Suzette provides on-demand CEU courses to clinicians.

All licensed clinicians are required to obtain continuing education to renew their licensure status. These CEU courses are an essential element of maintaining your licensure as a therapist and learning more about new techniques and strategies that can enhance your abilities and implementation of different forms of therapy.

CEU Courses in California

If you are looking for effective, convenient CEU courses to take, Suzette Bray, a well-known therapist with over 20 years of clinical experience, has developed several courses for practicing clinicians. These CEU courses are designed for therapists in California who want to meet licensing requirements while also expanding their knowledge of therapy techniques focused on DBT and other evidence-based treatments.

All CEU courses are provided in a convenient, user-friendly format that makes renewing licensure status informative and engaging. All information included is relevant to accepted practices in the clinical therapy industry and designed to help clinicians enhance their skills and expand their knowledge base.

If you currently run or oversee a therapy organization with multiple providers, you can also recommend our CEU courses as a condition of employment. These courses provide information on topics to clinicians in all fields of therapy specialty and provide a solid foundation for those ready to enhance their knowledge base.

Suzette would be happy to discuss her CEU courses and answer any questions you might have. For more information about these CEU courses and the topics they cover, contact the practice of Suzette Bray LMFT today.


Improve Your Therapy Sessions!

Improve Your Therapy Sessions!

Improve your therapy sessions! Subscribe today to download my 5 DBT skills sheet that can help your clients.
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I offer CEU courses for therapists in Studio City, Burbank, Brentwood, Los Feliz, and the rest of California, as well as Arizona and Florida.